Silicon Rust Belt

Q&A with Chicago’s Social Q&A

Give us your elevator pitch:

Social Q&A is an event organizer’s best friend, improving how audience question-and-answer is conducted in almost any environment. Accessible from any Internet-enabled device, Social Q&A allows participants to submit questions, which can then be up-voted by other audience members, giving the event host or moderator insight into which questions are most important to the entire group.

What makes your company/product different from your competition?

When compared against other audience response tools, Social Q&A has four main differentiators:

What is it like to start a company in the Rust Belt?

The Chicago startup scene is thriving. We’re fortunate enough to be in close proximity to many talented tech entrepreneurs at 1871. The relationships we’ve built in Chicago have carried us a long way.

Tell us about your fundraising experience in the Rust Belt?

At this point, Social Q&A is entirely bootstrapped. We’ve met with a number of investors based in the Midwest, but we’re not actively seeking funding unless there’s an excellent strategic fit for our business.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned?

The biggest lesson we’ve learned is the importance and power of distribution. Strong distribution can make or break a company. Adwords and social media advertising are hot right now in the startup world, and there are a million different blogs / articles / webinars out there that make it seem so easy to monetize on those platforms. I think a lot of new entrepreneurs just assume that online ads will be their core acquisition channel and don’t realize how much work it can take to profitably optimize those channels.

There are so many other ways to distribute your product outside of online marketing and direct sales, many of which are far more profitable and effective. Building a strong distribution network is the quickest way to scale.

What is the future for your company?

We see a large opportunity to integrate Social Q&A into other event apps or webinar-type products. The original purpose of Social Q&A is for live, in-person meetings and events, but there is a significant growth in the trend of virtual attendance happening right now. It saves attendees time and money while delivering an experience similar to actually being at the event. One of the current drawbacks to virtual attendance is the inability to participate, but Social Q&A can fill that void.

Anything else you want to leave us with?

We’re always looking for new strategic partners to help distribute the product – other event apps, meeting planners, etc. We’d also love feedback from users. Anyone interested in trying out Social Q&A at an event can learn more at

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